Sneaky, sneaky faces.

That jacket fits just right SayJ.

What a fabulous picture of all three of us. You know when Jenny is looking the best in a picture things are bad. Haha. Sorry, Jenny but you know you are the worst at taking pictures.

Handsome Haydee!

We have taken every opportunity up until the monsoon of the last few days to enjoy the last few days of summer for us. Goodness knows Mick's summer ended a long time ago but we have still been hitting up the pool, tub, or lake! All the business starts tomorrow. Ugh, I am both excited and moreso extremely nervous/anxious. I wish I weren't this way, and I am working on scripture memory to ease all this "stress" but it is definitely a work in progress, and of course I'm gonna be brutally honest in my realness, I can not even put on a mask and pretend that isn't who I am, it just is, for now. Hopefully not forever. Anyways, SadieJane, Micah and I will head off to school in the morning. Micah is so excited and I have not a fear or concern for him. He loves his teachers, loves school and loves seeing his friends. I am excited about having a class of my own (or sharing it with Mrs. Mann) and being around fellow Christians. It is my little mini-me, my shadow, my prinsin(princess), my tee-teeing machine, my sweet SadieJane that I am way concerned about. ..and therefore myself in the process, because if she isn't ok, then neither. am. I. Again, I am not sure if it should be that way, but that is the way it is. My sweet girl is chatting it up lately, one word style. So today we had some uninterrupted time just us before Micah got up and since I am not working elsewhere for today I didn't have to sit her in front of the tv while I worked on the computer. (Ahh, if only it could stay like that. I know, I know, get over it.) SayJ and I talked and talked about her class, which I thought would be a great idea. Until she started crying anytime I mentioned it and begging me to hold her. Of course stating, one word style..."leaving"...."Momma"..."NO!!!" A mild case of what I usually see when I drop her off. I have been praying, praying, praying for this sweet girl. I truly feel that this time away will be good for both of us. IF she isn't screaming the whole stinkin' day. If she does, it will make it very hard fro me to feel like this is the right thing to do. Micah started a year later than SayJ is and you might remember that we both completely lost it on our second day. Since I'll be teaching a class full of kiddos who might be having the same separation anxiety I can't very well go in there in tears. So please pray that we all hold it together and that God grants us peace that passes all understanding. I know, it isn't a huge issue in the grand scheme of things, but in the Harper House it will be huge these next few hours. I already can't wait til the lazy days of summer again!

These photos are the best! love them! Would love to see you again soon!!!!
I just love the picture of Saddie being pulled out of the water - priceless face.
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