Where it all began...here is me heading off to my first day at the Early Learning Center at the Baptist Church in Dville.

...and here I am with my two on the FIRST day of all of us being at the ELC Preschool!

Micah with Mrs. Giles!

Our flashdance photo shoot!! Micah and SJ matched.

Take me with you Bubba!

The signature pose started by Jenny. Why outside of the car? Why holding folders? I don't know, but the tradition continues:)

We all survived for the three people with true concern. Haha. I mean I know you were all sitting by your computers wondering when I'd get the kids by the car photos posted. Hee hee. Today was a whirlwind. Although I did my best to plan ahead I forgot that I would need to be both a momma and a teacher at the same time. Too much for this Momma to be on time and get everything done. But we all had a great day. SadieJane did not cry the whole day! Hallelujah. Her teacher's are awesome!! So I am so thankful she sees that. I LOVE my class and am excited about all that we are going to do this year. Well Micah as we know just loves school and his teachers. Ahhh...so thankful for this time in our little bubble. Next year will be a rude awakening for Micah and I both. But for now, we will enjoy our time with our friends that are like family!!

Glad it went so great, Steph!
i was wondering all day how things were going. and i'm being serious. love your realness and your desire to let Jesus mold you into less of a "worrier". yay for ELC
So glad to hear your first week went well. I know you are just loving being back in the classroom and they are loving having you. I did not realize it came full circle with you going there when you were little - that's really cool. How many days are you going there? Praying that things continue to go well my friend.
So just so u know this is 3rd time I have authored a novel length comment on here in the past 20 min only to have it go MIA! Hmm if it does it again I'm callin u up and askin some questions;) In a nutshell, love u and my sweet sj and Micah bird! Also just know u are on my hero list due to ur inspiring complete dependency in Jesus, ur mean blogging skills, ur ridiculous running self, as well as the fact ur a master juggler w wife, mama, worker, BFF etc all in ur balancing act! Also was givin a heads up rich in love was back and up to date..only 4 mths late..and dont hate;)the end..again. Love u and post!!
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