Things lately have been crazy. But I'm sure you are sitting there thinking "I got your crazy over here". I mean don't we all? We all seem to be running around this time of year (ok, all year)...and with me starting my life over with new jobs and growing babies, I could get close to loosing my mind, or a child at least. But God has been so good. I have my days where I wanna get frustrated and I know there are days where that frustration (ie satan's) gonna get his. BUT, so far God has been gracious to constantly remind me "what it all comes down to" and that is loving Jesus, and loving people. Allowing myself to live and enjoy what He is doing, no matter what I "feel". It goes without saying that I have less time with friends, with my babies and definitely with Mick, but I am trying to focus on what is good about our current circumstance...instead of my usual pity party blog post about what isn't. I am sure I'll have one of those soon. (I hope not, but let's not get carried away with my positivity) I absolutely LOVE teaching again and I LOVE the little ones in my class. I also started my working at the "chicken apartment" at the CFA at the mall and I really like the people there and just pray I can accomplish all I need to in that job as well. Although typing some of this out I get a little anxious I know that even though I am tempted to feel that way the truth and key is to rest in Him. Every time I go into these situations God gives me peace and contentment helping me to know, He has me where He wants me. All the while all this transition is going on, Mick is busy working away at everything he can. Most time consuming right now is softball. But again the kiddos are loving being apart of the game and I am finally able to again be apart of things without a baby in my belly or on my boob. It is so much easier when we all get to be apart of Mick's ministry together and really gives us a sense of unified purpose. Even though Mick has all the pressure of actually winning the games. The pictures above are from the last weekends tournaments. We've been hanging out in dugouts alot lately and like every year Micah and now SadieJane's favorite part of the game is when they get to go on the field to pray with Daddy. Now, Micah doesn't even stand with Mick, he goes to find one of his "girlfriends". And even though they are winning (yippee) it doesn't come down to winning...it all comes down to this...praying and making a difference in our little ones lives as well as the people Mick coaches. I am grateful for the opportunities and the memories we are making right now.

Glad to hear it Steph! What is your schedule each day, are you teaching every day and working CFA? Is your Mom doing childcare...such a blessing!
love this..look at cute little sj's tutu'ed out booty:) love it! love you my bff..love you so much:)
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