Oh my word I have never seen anything like it... he can't stand collars, buttons on shirts or pants, things that are the least bit tight, socks that are not shaped like rectangles, normal shoes, dressing up, sleeping in anything at naptime other than shorts (no matter the temp outside), underwear, sweaters, anything that has elastic on the sleeves, jackets and last the dreaded jeans (oh they hurt, oh they hurt he'll exclaim for hours on end). I am sure I could keep going. Basically this leaves short and long sleeved tshirts, shorts and sweatpants. Yep, that is what we wear. Every. Single. Day. We have finally stopped trying to force the dress up issue for church in fear that he will begin to grow to despise this Jesus who insists on a polo and khakis or jeans even. But that is not for lack of trying. For weeks we've simply held him down and dressed him in "snappy casual" attire, all to hear such moaning and gnashing of teeth. This week he wore grampa sweat pants and a tshirt. Such a proud Momma I am. To be fair to him these things do physically bother him. It isn't just mental...although I am sure he gets some weird fun out of it. Stinker that he is... Bless him he has never been shaped like a normal sized boy...his head always got stuck in the onesies from the day he was born, he could never wear any cute shoes as his feet were too wide and I guess I crammed his big belly in one cute jean too many and now he's scarred for life. That is all I can figure because most, if not all, his clothingquirks have to do with things being tight or rough.
Oh and above is Micah chewing on a tbone. The child has tried steak at least five times and never liked it, over the winter break we had some steak and the kid could not get enough. He ate a whole steak and then tried to gnaw the bone like a chicken wing. Quirky, he is...
Love your new blogpage. Do you know the more I read your last post the more I thought Micah and Zach were alike. Especially the clothes part, Jessica and Brandon are always dressed in the latest fashions and Zach could care less about that. The more comfortable and slouchy the better he likes it. Kind of funny. Miss seeing all of you. Love sissy
We have the same (yet opposite) problem with Taylor. She wants to wear dresses and tights and dress shoes every day...even to school where she plays hard on the playground.
It's a battle just about every morning because I don't want her to ruin all of her nice clothes and shoes.
She also refuses to wear jeans.
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