So like everyone with the second I have so slacked off on documenting her milestones and changes. They just happen so fast and I can't remember to put them on the blog. And they aren't that interesting. Which is why I am pairing them with supercute pictures to offset the boringness. But here are some facts about SayJ for me:
She can say Momma, Daddy, Bubba, Jenny, Haydee, Nana, Pops, Budda, Bay, Jax, Max, duck, cat, meaow, cute, open, again....none of these sound like the actual words I've just typed, but I know what she means. Hee hee.
She will eat anything and alot of it.
She can show how big she is, her muscles, clap and can fix her hair.
She is super observant and will copy anything you do and go and do whatever you are talking about even if you aren't talking to her.
She loves baby dolls. Her favorite is a naked Baby Wendy doll (Aunt Wendy gave it to her). She bathes her (with wipes), puts diapers on her and carries her around.
She will go look for anything you suggest...and often locate it before you do.
She loves her sleep now, (thank you Jesus!) and takes a good nap and sleeps through the night. I rock her then put her down, sometimes she insists I put her in her bed with no rocking.
She is so dramatic. Often crying with NO real tears. Ugh. Trouble.
She is pretty obedient. Well in comparison to what came before her anyways...
She gives the best kisses. She grabs me around the neck and gives a big smack. Love it.
She loves her Bubba fiercely...I am going to post about that too later.
Will NOT sit still through a whole meal. Grrr.
Ok, enough already...I just seriously still can't say enough about her.
Sweet princess! Love her!
Precious! She looks adorable in that dress and bow!!
But, did you mean chin on her chest instead of neck on her shoulder?? How do you do that????Hehe!
Love and miss you! When can I see you again?
She is too cute!! I need to see her soon (and the brother..and you!) :)
Love y'all!
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