I wanted to take this time to write about the past few days just to purge myself from the awfulness it has been. Micah went back to the doctor yesterday because he still wasn't getting any better. The only way he would sleep was with me sitting up on my chest. Thank goodness we went back for a Christmas Eve doctor's visit because his ear infection had gotten worse and then he has bronchiolitus...or however you say it...Sweet Micah had to be put on breathing treatments. I just sobbed in the doctor's office. I know it is silly but to see someone so helpless hurting so is just painful to watch..especially when it is your someone.
So, as I sit here on Christmas morning, I am ever thankful for a new day, for Jesus' birth and all that it means, and I am thankful that Micah is breathing a little bit better. He got sick again this morning, but I just took this picture of Micah and his Daddy sleeping...while I actually got a shower by myself..and dried my hair!
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Kiss your babies today and be thankful for their health, we definitely took advantage of having a well baby! There will be many more pictures to follow, snotty nose and all!
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