I would like to document that I believe this was our first "season" of either sport that I indeed did NOT have a midseason breakdown. I think there was just not enough time for it. I am currently working on my post season breakdown, because I'd hate to have a season without one. Haha. This year seriously has been such a blessing. Perhaps it is because we found out about our "blessing" during this season but the team really had something special this year. We still had quite a bit of girl drama as well as of course Mama Drama from parents BUT, none of that could overshadow the fact that we had an amazing group of girls, with great character who took us far as a team. From the very beginning we have gone about coaching as a family "team" effort. Especially softball, my heart is all in as much as Mick's is, if not more at times. I was reflecting on the season yesterday and just thinking how thankful I was that these girls continually loved on my kiddos and their parents too, often grabbed a chair, a bag, or a kid! They may have talked about us behind our backs (in fact, I'm sure of it:)) but they were so kind to us on and off the field. I am so thankful that we receive a blessing from attempting to be a blessing to others. Micah officially became the manager/coach/dugout rat. He spent as much time as possible in the dugout, on a bucket with his Daddy. I loved that Micah didn't miss near as much Daddy time as he had in the past. I also was thankful that the girls were super aware that he was there and made sure they didn't cuss by saying "butt or stupid". I am not so sure I can expect the same from the baseball team. The girls finished 5th in the state and got to compete in the Elite Eight tournament in Columbus. It was an honor and a first for almost everyone on the team. This year there were no real superstars as everyone contributed each game to put together a win. The girls that worked hard actually succeeded which is just a beautiful thing to see. Often times, it just isn't the case. I will miss this group of seniors as well as they have really been apart of me getting back in the groove of being a mom to my two and to the team. We will see how baby #3 affects things, but I hope that the Lord will continue to multiply my time, patience and arm radius so that I can both parent and minister to some really cool high schoolers.

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