Yesterday was my sister Heather's birthday. You might think this isn't much of a feat to celebrate in this fashion but if you knew where our family was two years ago on her birthday tears would be running down your face, just like they are running down mine as I type...
Others of you know about it and it has been your prayers that made this birthday dinner possible. My sister is doing really well and I am extremely proud. While things are still going on in her life and alot is still uncertain I wanted to stop and give God glory for how far He has brought our whole family. On Heather's birthday a few years ago I sat in church and sobbed to God as I saw a testimony of a older woman whom God had freed from the bondage of drug addiction. I was happy for her, but inside I was so mad at God that He wouldn't do the same thing for my sister and our family. She didn't want to be addicted but at the time it didn't seem like we'd ever see a time that she wasn't, and we knew that if she wasn't freed her addiction would inevitably kill her...and each day it felt like it was taking more and more of her from us. It seemed hopeless. But God's timing is perfect and in church that day God could have told me we'd be sitting eating walking tacos at my house in a few short years...but He didn't. Because He had work to do on me and faith for me to learn. The God I serve is amazing and I am thankful that He chooses to be patient with me even when I doubt. Please continue to pray for my sister as we await more news on her future and stuff that happened in her past. I am not trying to get on a soap box...but there were a few people who emailed, etc and prayed during the time when I wanted to give up hope and they helped me fight for my sister when she couldn' I write this for those that might know someone in that situation and I am here to testify if we weren't without Hope neither are you friend. So don't give up...keep pressin' on. Heather and I still haven't had a Comin' to Jesus on everything that went on long ago but I know that will come in time as we both heal from all that we have been through. But being able to hold each others babies and have a meal together is a huge step. Heather came over and we had dinner, cake and presents. I made her a shutterfly book and I think I was more excited about it than she was...I am just so thankful that she has chosen to live a life away from all that has pulled her down. Happy Birthday to my sister and my friend. I love you unconditionally and am so proud of how far you've come. Here's to many more birthday dinners...(ours, our kiddos, etc)!
So glad you all were able to celebrate a family birthday dinner together. Thank you Stephanie for never giving up on Heather, and Heather we are so proud of you and how far you have come. Steph I love Sadie Janes wild hair it is so cute and I cant believe how big Chase has gotten he is a real doll. sissy
Praise the Lord. Seriously. That is awesome. You get on your soapbox anytime you want :) And skip that wedding the day of Rhett's party hehe
So amazing!! So glad you guys have come so far! Still in our prayers! Love you all!
So sweet! Thanks for sharing and praise God for his goodness!!
Love to you all!
Just want to say how proud I am of all of you. Also just a bit of advice.....don't even have that "come to Jesus" with Heather about things that happened in the past. I lost 2 really good friends over something I did....after they came back into my life, I was so thankful and the reasons they left were unimportant so it has NEVER been discussed. We now have a closer bond than we ever did....let the past, lay in the past. mkm
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