Saturday, October 30, 2010
Livin' Like Rich People
Friday, October 29, 2010
Little School Girl...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Fall Party 2010
Today was Micah's Fall Party at school. I offered to be the room mom because I was determined to be involved this year after last year barely making it to the party on the right day. We had a very simple party and everything went relatively well. Next time I believe I will leave Sadie Jane with a sitter. She was EVERYWHERE...including on tables, chairs and out the door. As always it is fun to see Micah with his school attitude on...which thankfully, is much better than the attitude he has at home.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rainy day finds...
Just spent this crazy rainy day trying to entertain my babies. I guess I should state I am NOT a stay at home mom...I am a get out every day mom. The four walls start closing in on us pretty quickly. Anyways, Micah, Sadie Jane and I found this seven year old MattyB's youtube videos of him rapping. They are awesome. This one about his sister is so sweet but he has some other ones that are just hilarious. So, if the rain is still heading your way or you need some uplifting today take a look at these.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Weekend at the Farmhouse
This weekend one of my oldest and dearest friends got married in South Georgia. I say South Georgia because we traveled for five hours and I wasn't really sure where we were. I was the matron of honor and I think this is the first wedding I have been in after having children. Sheesh. It is alot harder to be a helpful and productive attendant when you are also worrying about two other tiny little children. Mick gets the father of the weekend award as he helped so much and really did great with Micah and SayJ. The wedding was at Gin I guess I know we were there. It was BEAUTIFUL and we stayed in an old log cabin. Micah called it our farmhouse and boy is missing his calling...he is a farmer in his heart. Too bad he was born a big city boy:) When we got there Micah went on and on about the clawfoot bathtub and after the rehearsal we came into our cabin to find Micah had gotten a bit ahead of us and had gotten naked and was in the tub with no water. He is just so silly. Micah loved being there and loved every part of the wedding. He sat with a new friend for the WHOLE wedding while Mick rocked Sadie Jane out of earshot. I was very proud of him, and the ring of M&M's around his face after the ceremony. He took the picture above of the cross during the ceremony and told the girl he was sitting with that he took it "for Jesus". The ceremony and wedding was so amazing and were at to do it over again (still to Mick, I just want a different dress and better pictures) I would definitely copy some of Angela's things. She rode in on a horsedrawn carraige like a storybook. Angela was my best friend through high school and I spent alot of time at the McLendon house throughout that time as well as college. I am so excited that Angela met and fell in love with a Valdosta farmer...she was so happy and glowing and I was thankful to be apart of her day. Hopefully even with my whole family there she was glad too:)
PS She did marry a boy named Kevin, but I apparently took not a single picture of the boy...what a great matron of honor I am...