With all that is going on in my life (that I can't possibly put into words at this moment, hence the continual surface blog scrapbook with a hint of realness tossed in for good measure), Jesus is continuing to give me "peace like a river". In the Beth Moore study we are doing it talks about that God didn't say "peace like a stagnant pool of water". So my river still has its share of swirls, rapids and slow spots. but God is so faithful to give peace no matter the current circumstance. God has also been so kind to speak to me and remind me that even in my sin and ugliness, He is indeed FOR ME! What an amazing truth. My sweet cousin, sent me this song after I had told her about a recent God experience I'd had...it so fit and as she so wisely stated at her young 19 years of age, "there are no coincidences with our God!" Just so overwhelmed with His love and wanted to share. I know that everyone (all 3 of you) have your own "rivers" that you are trying to manuever on and I just say, let Him remind you He is indeed for you too.

so so good. love you, long distance friend. peace like a river is right!
Thank you Steph. May He love you tenderly as He is the one to guide you down the river. Much love.
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