Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting A Bonus Year

Well, we have done it. Mick and I have agreed on something. No, seriously, we agree on most things. But, we are indeed two very different people and usually when it comes to the kiddos we are more of the tag-team type. I think this is good and he thinks this is better, so we put those two together and have a pretty good plan. It works like that alot of the time. While that works for us, it does feel at times we usually have to convince one or the other to come over to our side. Whether it be homeschooling, public school, spanking, or sports one of us usually feels stronger than the other and we just defer to the other. Not sure if that makes sense to you all but for the most part it works for us. BUT, there are times where I wish God would just spell it out for both of us, same time, no questions, no disussing, no "coming to Jesus", just BAM. That's it. Lo and behold. God is about that too.

I was having a meeting with my chicken apartment boss and she has some strong views(on family and children, not chicken). Some I agree with, others I do not as much. Either way I really value her opinion and her relationship with the Lord challenges me. Although I might not agree with all her views, her record holds that what she does works, as she has four children, and they are all pretty incredible. Proof is in the pudding type stuff going on for her. So, we are talking chicken, but I can't bare to have a long convo with her without gleaning a little bit from her while also getting paid to do it. (notetoself: God has a plan) Remember I knew He did, but just wasn't quite believing it 6 months ago. I believe now. Anyways, she was giving me free advice and I was soaking. it. up. (actually she was paying me to listen:)) Ok, ok, I just get caught up in how good God is "for such a time as this...". Soooo, she starts asking me why we are sending Micah to school next year?? Ummm, he is going to be five and that is when you go to kindergarten I respond a little perplexed. She goes on to tell me that she held her boys back and it was the best decision of their lives. I hadn't even thought about this option. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about sending bird to school, but I assumed I would have that everytime I took him to some place new. BUT everything she said made so much SENSE for us. That bad feeling started to go away, but then I told her I would need her to call Mick later because there was no way Mick would let me "hold Micah back". Then I resolved to pray and approach the issue myself first. I mentioned it to Mick and he seemed to brush it off. I didn't want to fight the fight for something if he wasn't for it because it would indeed be a big decision. I kept praying for God's guidance and Mick had scheduled a date later that week. I thought I'd get my proposal ready and present at our date. So, at dinner I get the courage to bring it up, ready to plead my case and Mick simply states "Oh yeah, I've been thinking about what you said, I think that is what we should do." BAM. Just like that God brought us to the same page at the same time. We talked over each other about all the ways we felt like this was God's plan for Micah's life and the ways that it would change it. It felt right and was just so crazy that it happened that way. There are a great number of reasons that we listed but bottom line we think for Micah another year of growth, maturity and a little more time at home will benefit him now and especially in the near and far future. When things come easy I always get nervous. But with this I really felt like God was at the center of our decision and that we had made one the way He wants us to. Ahhh...not a feeling I often get when I have to remember to pray about a decision already made. So, after discussing with a few trusted educators and friends we feel that we will hold Micah back. But, I will say the only problem I have is I don't really like the I am starting a new catch phrase that we are giving Micah a "bonus year"...whatcha think?? About the term, not our decision:)

So, we are going to send Micah back to our beloved ELC next year to go 5 days a week (he's only going 3 this year), and then we will at this point send him to public school. Gasp! (obviously our plans could change so don't hold me to my writing...who knows what God has in store:) We made this decision for a variety of reasons that are so right for us, our family, for Micahbird's personality and makeup. It makes sense for him and will prayerfully benefit him for the better. We could not think of one negative of making this decision for him and it was a special feeling, when so many decisions we do; not knowing if it will really be best, but with this one, God willing it is.

All this to say, our decision is indeed what is best for Micah, I am in no way saying or judging what others do with their children, it is just what works for us. So I am not saying this is a decision for everyone or that I will question others decisions for their children. Had to disclaimer this post in fear of judgement from others misunderstanding what I am saying here. I am partly posting about the decision making process than the decision itself anyways. I wanted to type out my thoughts and the story for myself and to hopefully get our decision out there, like I said I don't feel it is the decision for everyone across the board, but I do know people have been making these decisions for a while and I had no idea. I figured there might be some questions too, when Micah re-enters Pre-K, so this should head those off at the pass:) We haven't told him our decision yet, because we want to be absolutely sure, but barring any major changes it is the route we are taking.

Lastly, the one thing that kept me from sharing this news most was my concern for what others would think...would they assume since Mick is a coach we are just doing it for sports? or would others think that we are sheltering him and literally holding him back? and maybe people would think we think this is right for everyone and by doing it, makes us stand in judgement to others? But again God uses every lesson for a lesson for me too. My security is in Him and so is yours, I hope. So if this is true you and I can make totally different, OR even exactly the same decisions for our children and be confident in ourselves and our relationship with Him. And if we looked at things this way, we would all be a lot more content and less anxious...myself included. Which in turn would free us up to spend a whole lot more time encouraging each other, rather than second guessing ourselves. I speak all this to myself more than anyone else, but it is so therapeutic to type out.

I know this is my first wordy post in a long time. You all thought you were tired of the pictures:) So I apologize but my "writerself" needed to post something substantial. So there.


Anonymous said...

well said ss, glad we'r back!!!

Anonymous said...

We did that with Brian and it was the best thing we could have done. He just wasnt mature and only wanted to play so we gave him that extra year. When he did start he was ready. I feel like it is better to do now than to wait till he possibly has problems also hardly anyone will notice rather than if he were to start and then you had to keep him back. Do what you feel is right for your son dont worry about what others think. After all you and Mick are the only ones that truely know what is right for you kids. sissy

Ginny Underwood said...

We did the same thing with Jonathan and it was the best decision ever. We never once regretted it and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Wendy said...

So great to hear about how God brought you two to the same decision at the same time. Sounds like a wonderful "bonus year" ahead for all of you. Much love friend.

Anonymous said...

Wise decision. I never even thought about holding Amy back even though she would be one of the youngest in her class. I began to see my mistake when Amy entered 6th grade. She just didn't "fit" with her class. She "fit" with the class behind her. Plus, she struggled in Math and excelled in all others subjects. Socially, she was immature. Thanks to several GREAT teachers and coaches, she caught up with herself and then excelled in College. As for others opinion - forget it - do what you KNOW in your heart is best for your child. Love you. mkm

Maggie said...

i'm glad you blog about this kind of stuff. i have a feeling that years down the road i will be coming back to several posts when i am over analyzing situations and being completely indecisive and i think it's gonna help. i'm all for giving boys a bonus year :)

Ashli said...

great post steph. your kids are your responsibiliity, no one elses. although i don't have kids yet (lol,) i feel that you two will follow any direction God puts ahead of you and little man. as maggie said, i'm all for the bonus year as well :)

EMU said...

1. I TOTALLY agree with your decision. I had several parents confide in me as a teacher that they'd wished they'd held their spring birthday child back, but not once did I have a parent who did hold their child back say they wished they hadn't done so. As an ex elementary teacher, I think it's a fabulous decision!

2. From the time I knew Bop would be born in May, I have been contemplating whether or not we should hold her back. Not a fan of May birthdays because of this! Love those September birthdays! :)

3. Love the term "bonus year." Great way to phrase it!

4. And yeah...we know Mick just wants Micah to be the biggest and strongest boy on the baseball team! ;)

beth ewing said...

My dad is a June 1st baby and always hated being the youngest and littlest. So they held my brother (a June 23rd birthday) back and it made a world of difference for him. We never even considered it with Miller but that is b/c it wasn't right for him. He was ready. We have some friends holding their son back too (a June 19th birthday) and he is a HUGE boy. I laugh that he will totally have an advantage in sports but I know that is not why they did it either.

Wendy said...

I have thought of you so much this week as I have looked parents in the eyes and recommended retention for thier kiddos. Obviously it is for very different reasons than your little Micah, but I have really tried to remember that these families are real and are struggling to do the best for thier kids. I hope you continue to rest in your great decision. Much love