Well, we haven't had time to upload any pictures from the big ole camera but I have a few instagram ones, my newest quickest instaobsession and a supplement for my blog. Fewer words, less time, but memory captured quick like.
Just thought I'd blog about the whole Birth Day/week before I forget all about it. Well, everyone knows I've always wanted to experience childbirth and majorly regret not insisting my doctor letting me try to birth Micah...but now I can say I've experienced a very small slice of it. Scheduled C-section for Wednesday morning but starting Monday, contractions began to come on. By Tuesday night just about 5 hours before I needed to be at the hospital (and much needed sleep) they got so intense and 8 minutes apart that I got nervous. Never having been in labor, or even talked about what it was truly like kind of put me at a disadvantage:) So we get to the hospital and while I was in early labor my cervix was closed and locked. So I just had a little extra lounging time in a hospital room. Ugh. Felt so silly. But if I'd stayed home I'd probably have given birth in the car;) Actually I am pretty sure now that this body doesn't get how it works the natural way. So in a round about way it made me even more thankful for the big C.
I also had major anxiety about the csection but had decided to trust God to allow me to enjoy the birth of a child. With Micah and even worse with SayJ I was so nauseas I just struggled through the first few days of their lives. God was so gracious and He granted me a stress free and puke free 24 hours. I was actually able to conversate with those that came to visit and enjoy them. I couldn't believe it!! Neither could a few that had been there for all 3 births. Since I usually send them packing. SelahBelle was healthy at birth although a bit smaller than the other Harper babies. A tiny (to me) 7 pounds and 6 ounce bundle of joy. She is petite and long with long fingers and toes. She has had the best disposition and took to nursing well too. Just a testament to answered prayers and God's faithfulness when we remember He is the one we seek. No doubt, His will and purpose are perfect whether your baby latches on or not, but I am just giving my take on things. All of the health complications we were concerned about continue to be a nonissue. But will continue to check vigilantly just as we would with any child. The one drawback to sweet SelahBelle's birth was her bilirubin levels were of concern so we got to experience the awful tanning bed for babies. It was awful and I came close to loosing all composure. But thankfully one of my dear friends offered to come spend the night with me and help me stay sane. Mick had come home to stay with our big babies. It was awesome to see the hands and feet of Jesus through my friends and family this go round as I was ever aware of their prayers and actions. God just simply allowed me to see His control in all of this, whereas in the past births I couldn't relinquish control, even to Him, of my tiny miracles. But thankfully the more babies you have the more you learn and grow.
So far we've been home 3 days and while things are surely challenging I am so enjoying being a Momma to a newborn again. And while I feel pulled in 3 (ok, 5) different directions I am super aware of my continued need to be present with each baby and make more of an effort to do so. My healing is going well and I am praying that I can continue to trust Jesus to fight the battles of after birth emotions and that He indeed will win over satans silly attacks. For now I am taking in each moment and thanking Him from whom all blessings are flowing.

Yay! So glad SelahBelle is here & all are doing well. Congrats, Harper family! :)xoxo
Congratulations, Stephanie!!! Lots of love!
What a joy to hear of sweet SelahBelle's birth and good health. Continuing to pray for you all. Congratulations!
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