Devon, Kyle and Destiny

This isn't just a photodumping post. This one has been in the making since we got back from Disney, I had great plans on writing lengthy thank you notes...but instead I am typing a public one because I think it shows that there are indeed still younger people out their seeking what God wants for their lives and not just thinking about themselves all the time. We went to Disney with one of our old softball girls who has become like family, Dessy! She has an older sister and a younger brother. Devon, her older sister is engaged to Will. Destiny (has been featured on the blog on numerous occassions) has found a "serious" boo (more on that another post), and then Kyle has been dating Heather for a long time as well. These six twentysomethings went on a trip with their parents (Cindy and Doug) and us...the wild foursome. These six young adults have to be the most rarest finds in people of their age. They constantly offered to tote babies, carry bags, fold strollers (even if they had to break it to fold it), and ride rides they wouldn't neccesarily ride for themselves. I told Cindy I don't know what she has done to create such thoughtful and kind children but I am so glad that we get to be around them, and hopefully have it rub off on my children. What is so encouraging and refreshing about them is that it isn't only their children with this incredible love and kindness they have chosen "significant others" that are just as great as they are!! With all the yuck and poor choices that are all over the place I just was so encouraged that they aren't all like that. We of course knew our Dessy was the exception to the rule, but to find FIVE other people that also are just makes my heart happy. It was so fun to watch them try to translate, SayJ's slow talking, to see them get in the pool even though it was freezing, to see the boys push empty strollers and carry pink backpacks, their constant convincing SayJ to be carried by someone other than me and their simple love for our children. They also made it their personal mission to explain every detail of every ride to Micah to ensure he wouldn't be scared or to help him have more fun. It was just amazing to a Momma that they would take the time to do this. They also staked out sidewalks to make sure my kiddos (and they, so it wasn't totally unselfish:)) had the best seats at every parade and show. There were so many little things that they did to help make our trip smoother, that I didn't even realize until we got home. I am sure Kyle, Tyler, Will, Devon, Heather, and Destiny aren't perfect, and they I am sure went back to their rooms and discussed our kiddos and/or our parenting skills...but they showed us and our children Jesus by their sacrificing actions and it was a testimony to me of what kind of parents they will one day be. I can't wait to one day go back to Disney with those six "kids" and their children and show them the same compassion that they showed me:)!

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