I sit here one week from the day my sweet baby boy will be heading to Kindergarten. Ugh. We've given him a "bonus year" and yet I am still not ready. I really wanted to homeschool this handsome guy but that wasn't the plan for now (ie. I couldn't convince his Daddy:))
Aside from the nights that SelahBelle was up half the night this summer has seemed like it lasted about 45 minutes total. Possibly because I knew it was to be our last before the big school started. We have had a lot of fun this summer but have very little to show for it. Having a baby born in the spring and then back in the hospital will have you forgetting about laundry for days...barely vaccuming....and making dusting a thing of the past. I know I wont have this perspective forever and I'll be lulled back into the monotony of life in general. But for now I am ultra aware that my time with my babies can be cut short any moment God sees fit and I HAVE to be present while I am able...this doesn't mean I don't still get sucked into putting on a show (ok, 5 from on demand), or texting friends or checking facebook, or goodness forbid fixing an instagram picture. But I try to do it a little less. I have about 25 blogposts swirling around in my head and they are all trying to jump into this one...but alas, this one is about my Micahbird.
I can not believe I will be sending him out to school in such a short time. It seriously feels so surreal. I know that school will change him; or he will change at school. It scares me to think of not being with him for such a significant part of his day. It worries me that his teacher wont know "that look in his eye" that he gets right before he starts to cry. That you can curtail with a joke and a hug. It makes me nauseated to think of the things that he is bound to learn from "friends"...and even more so the things he might teach them as well. But I trust God has a plan. That as I cover my sweet, albeit stubborn and sensitive all at once, in prayers. That if I do my part at home he can be a little light where God has him and that I can prayerfully be a light there as well.

Love you Steph. Will be praying for you all as you make the big transition next week.
Wow, y'all start school early!
Love to you, mama friend. xoxo
I'm guessing by now all is good and you're all in the swing of things. Praying that is the case at least. It gets easier....I promise.
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